Super 55

Upgraded the vfd with some remote switches and added a braking resistor. I really want to have the flexibility of power tapping. The resistor has now given me the ability to slow the little beast down significantly faster.
Ok, the first project: Rebuilding the table power feed bracket.
The bracket was broken into several fragments and beyond repair.

Another real issue was my extremely limited selection of material to reconstruct the thing. I had some 1/2" steel but it had some holes drilled in it for who knows what. I also had a chunk of 3/4 × 2-1/2" × 12". So, I did some head scratching and fit the three main pieces into what I had.
Piece 1 with holes drilled to match the table :
I ended up having to mill some clearance for the lead screw. I then set to task boring the holes spaced apart according to the fragment of the original. The original design has two 10-32 screws to trap the lower bearing in a pocket.
Piece 3 attached to piece 1: Note the clearance add to piece 1. Unfortunately those two holes in the square plate were from the original stock material I had. They serve no purpose.
Here are all 3 attached to the mill.
Everything turns free with no binding. Next up will be to fix the stripped keyway and wollered out lower gear. I'm tempted to cut the square at the corner to look nicer, but I'll leave it for now.