Starrett last word indicator

Well, this is getting into an area more closely related to Metrology, so it might be best with another thread started in that section. I have blocks and pins, and can do some comparisons between a few different brands and share what I know about it.
I read the long list posted by Richard. It is noted that even some Starrett indicators are subject to failure from cheap metals used in their racks.

For home shop use,I never had a problem with my Chinese indicator,but I was the only one using it,not some ham handed machine operator.

I saw that they had broken the main shaft off of their Blake co-ax indicator at a machine shop I spent the Summer in,in the 80's,making the giant wood screw and nut for a cider mill for Williamsburg. Crap like that happens when several so called machinists have access to tool room tools. Glad it was not mine. Glad,too,that I already have bought one for myself and my journeyman several years ago,if they are starting to cheapen their product.

My Mitutoyo indicator is an older model,I suppose,because it does not have a plastic dovetail.

I have a GREAT older Peacock dial caliper made in Japan. When Enco,a few years ago,put them in their catalog,I ordered one for work. It was the WORST caliper I've ever seen!!!!! Rough as a cob in several places. I've seen $14.00 dial calipers made better. I'd advise you to not buy a Peacock.
Mike would you start a new post and tell everyone about your experience with "cleaning and care of dial indicators" please. Maybe title it something like that. We might get more readers to learn. Can you take some pictures or can some of the others help with pictures? We all have our favorite indicators, but a general idea about what to do and what not to do might be interesting. Then everyone here can link it from there favorite forum. I was reading the other day when one reader said he only reads the forum about his brand lathe.
Everyone have a great day! Rich

I would be honored! Thanks. I will start on it after I return home.
I am in Tullahoma, TN, right now, getting my lathe bed, saddle, & cross slide ground and scaped at Schimede's.
I would be honored! Thanks. I will start on it after I return home.
I am in Tullahoma, TN, right now, getting my lathe bed, saddle, & cross slide ground and scaped at Schimede's.

MIKE please also do another one the bed grinding too Schimede's is one of the best machine rebuilder in the USA and I have been recommending them for years.
I love to see the new generation "Teach" . It is so important for everyone to contribute here. That is our vision for all to contribute and not be afraid to do so because we all have an opinion.

Us old farts are here to guide and not preach!

Thanks, Your the best! Rich

PS Did we talk about Schimede's? I know I told someone about them being a premiere rebuilder...I can't keep it