Stanley carbide-edged utility blades


Staff member
Rest In Peace
Dec 20, 2012
Guys, I've been using a utility knife for what seems like most of my life and the blades tend to dull relatively fast. Cardboard especially seems to dull them quickly.

I recently had a chance to try Stanley's new-to-me carbide blades. They have a laser-deposited layer of carbide at the edge and they claim they last 5 times longer. I've use them for about a year and a half now and I can attest that these blades do indeed seem to stay sharper MUCH longer than the regular blades. I normally don't recommend stuff unless it proves itself to be exemplary; these blades are and they will save you money by lasting longer. Give them a try - Amazon carries them.
Maybe after I go thru the 100 or so regular blades.
It does sound like a great idea, though.
Thanks for the feedback Mike. I was always scared to try them cause I figured the carbide would chip easily? How well do they hold up? Maybe I'll try some in my Makers Knives that I don't use as beaters.

(Don't mind the hammers, the designer of the Maker Knife is Italian & this was th pic I sent to him)

They hold up very well. They stay sharp much longer than regular blades for sure and there has been no chipping or breakage. I won't be going back to regular blades, ever.
Any experience on asphalt shingles?
Do they have the hook blades too?
Does any one besides me resharpen utility knife blades? I use a folding, fine, diamond hone. I already have it, so no cost compared to replacing blades. And, I don't have to open the knife to get a sharp edge. A couple of swipes on the hone and it's like new.

Does any one besides me resharpen utility knife blades? I use a folding, fine, diamond hone. I already have it, so no cost compared to replacing blades. And, I don't have to open the knife to get a sharp edge. A couple of swipes on the hone and it's like new.

Yes, they are easy to sharpen, and my labor rate is zero in my home shop. It is not difficult to get them sharper than new. I save the dull ones and do all them all when I feel like it. YMMV. I consider our throwaway culture an abomination, and address it when and where I can. If I was in a production shop trying to make money, my approach may well be different. I have never bought utility knife blades...
Does any one besides me resharpen utility knife blades?

I'll even sharpen razor blades. Was running low on them once and sharpened one and was amazed how well it worked. Pretty much better that new.
I'll even sharpen razor blades. Was running low on them once and sharpened one and was amazed how well it worked. Pretty much better that new.

Do you mean the multi blade disposables? I've tried but no luck. How do you do it?