So what do you think, full of hot air or plausible?


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Nov 23, 2014
I do an obligatory search on eBay looking at 'Tormach' stuff, this one recently popped up. Anyone here tried them? And, "NO", they aren't fidget spinners for machinists or wheel spinners for end mills! Seems like a plausible concept, though I'm good with the flood coolant on my Tormach. They cost around $6-$9 each depending on size.


eBay link to an example:

Some plastic machining companies have to be totallycoolant free for certain contracts. Perhaps they could be useful in those companies especially with high spindle speeds.
I would think the RPMS for most machining operations would be too low for a small fan like that to move enough air to be effective. If you decide to get it, be sure to report back on what you learn.
looks like something that could be 3D printed for a few cents. I may have to try making one next winter when outside priorities are low.
It *is* 3D (resin) printed. More here. Still looks like they're using them with pretty high spindle speeds. Not sure they'd be very effective with steel (heavy) on a manual machine (slower spindle speed). I might try printing something just to find out.

My bench top Nomad 3 (8x8x3 volume, 10K-22K spindle) came with one. Works great for clearing dry chips, don't know about what it would do if coolant was used. As another person mentioned, the spindle speed is going to matter and it will be less effect at slower RPMs (obviously) I hadn't thought about that as I'm always running an screaming spindle.