Shop re-do


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Oct 16, 2019
I’m in the midst of re-doing my 23’x19’ shop.
Trying to deal with a shop full of tools for woodworking and metal work. And a whack of stuff left by the previous occupant.
The space doesn't have to accommodate cars, just a couple of street motorcycles.
The space has a flat roof which is challenging for headroom overhead storage.
Layout-wise it has two 8’ wide over head doors and 36” passage door. One challenging factor is that there is a pillar halfway width-wise and about 13 ft from the front wall.

I’m in the process of re-wiring and boarding the interior. So far I have one and half walls done. Working around all of the stuff was driving me crazy so I rented a container which arrived on Monday. Happy days!

A few pics will give you an idea of the chaos I’m trying to tame.
@mickri I took your good advice and am creating distance between the wood work and metal work areas. Thanks for that guidance!









Wednesday was a holiday here and I took Thursday and Friday off to make some headway.

First order of business was to move a stockpile of wood left by the previous occupant.

Wall is clear.

Ran power and got it sheeted.

Built one of the two walls that will create the dedicated motorcycle space.
I want to minimize the dust and what not that accumulates on them so I’m enclosing what amounts to basically an 8’ wide by 9.5’ long space for the bikes.

Still need to build the wall at the front of the space. It will have a pocket door but I haven’t figured that part out yet.
The side benefit of this is that I gain two wall spaces which will be most welcome.

And today (Saturday) I managed to get the lathe moved.

It’s light enough that I can lift each end of the table to put a 1” piece of plywood under each the legs.

The table legs are wide enough that I can slip the forward legs of my engine hoist under the lower table runners and then take the plywood out leaving the lathe sitting on the legs of the hoist.
Five minutes later and it’s in place.

Moving the mill was 10 times more difficult because the balance point is forward so it wants to tip forward.

See that nice white wall? I’m going to hang my Starrett poster there. Been waiting to do that for about a year.

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Organization is 90% of the battle.
It's no good to have a tool (or stock) that you cannot find.

It's not a battle that I win all the time though........

Ha ! David , I can see the floor in a few spots ! :grin: You're gonna have to fill them in .

Anyone know where I can find a Bridgeport?

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Ha ! David , I can see the floor in a few spots ! :grin: You're gonna have to fill them in .

Anyone know where I can find a Bridgeport?

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You will love having plywood on the walls. You will be able to mount things where you want them rather than being dictated by where the studs are. With the insulation you might even be able to climate control the workshop.
Good start there. If it were mine I would chunk out all of the wood gear. Then automatically you have more starting space.

I know some people like that wood stuff.:)

I worked in a furniture factory while in high school and college summers, I hate woo.... I can’t even write the word. If I never see sawdust again, it will be too soon. I have all the respect for those who do work with woo....., as long as it’s not me.