SHARS "Z" knee power feed????

Not to be snarky but wouldn't that question have been better addressed before you ordered it :)
I have one on my B'port. Mine looks a little different than yours(4 years old). It had to be mounted at an angle to clear Y-axis feed. Saves a lot of cranking!
Not snarky at all...good question...I don't have an answer....Risk Taker?
I have a similar drive on my BP clone knee. It was on there when I bought it. Just be sure to not leave the crank on there when running the rapid feed. :p
I hope your Power Feed is a little better packed than the one I purchased from Shars a couple of years ago, the various components (in plastic bags) were tossed into a flat rate box with about 6 sheets of balled up newspaper as packing material, it arrived here in Australia looking like it had been tumbled in a cement mixer, the cost of returning it was prohibitive, the post and packing charged was around $100 with the postage component being $40, so Shars charged me $10 a sheet for recycled newspaper, surely on a $400 purchase they have enough margin to spend a few cents on bubble wrap ?. Will I ever purchase from Shars again ?, no friggin way !.
I have an imported knee power feed that I haven't installed yet. I found that I needed to make alterations to the mill in order to get the parts to work. Now I have put it off so long I've forgotten what the alterations were. I think these were made to fit real Bridgeports. But,the clones aren't quite the same as original BP's.

My import BP clone is a Bridgewood,which was made in Taiwan. It has been a great mill since 1986. I bought one for the toolmaker's shop where I worked. I think these Bridgewoods are about as nice a BP clone as you will ever get. They are no longer sold,unfortunately.
Just be sure to not leave the crank on there when running the rapid feed.

Yup, I bought an 8" hand wheel for fine adjustments. $30
I'm pretty sure I'll need to do some modifications to get this drive to work on my Grizzly. But that's half the fun!
I put the Z power feed on my mill years ago. It will save you a lot of cranking, and I mean a lot! Once you get it installed your going to fall in love with it. I would look for a hand wheel for the fine ajustments, 8or maybe 10 inch.If your keeping the big crank handle, remove it except when you need it. They can hurt you bad.