Shars QCTP holders: my mistake but misleading

I've been using the all-industrial ones for quite a while, I really like them too! And they end up being cheap enough to making cutting my own CA tool holders not financially responsible. That said, I _DO_ have a large piece of steel in my mailbox to make my own now *grins*.
Erich, you being a guy with a big shaper, i’d be very surprised if you did not make one or two just for the fun of it.
Cheers, MM
Erich, you being a guy with a big shaper, i’d be very surprised if you did not make one or two just for the fun of it.
Cheers, MM
That's pretty much what's happening :) the all-industrial ones end up being only $30 each, so the steel itself is only a bit more than that. I found an 8" piece of A36 on eBay for cheap, so I figured I'd spend a day or two cutting my first dovetail on the shaper.
I buy only Shars tool holders now. The fit is snugger on the QCTP which I love, the height adjustment works (e.g. you turn the jam nut and the adjustment screw stays put. I have not come across this smaller size yet however.
I do buy from All Industrial (they sell on Amazon FWIW) not tool holder, but about everything else. No complaints here.