Scrap Yard Score

You have WAY better scrap yards than we do! :greenwithenvy: I can't get access to any of the scrap yards around here, even with ca$h in my hand. It perplexes me...

There are a couple scrap yards here - both will sell by the pound to whoever wants the stuff. Neither will "look" for anything or give anyone a call - they both say they would be spending too much time trying to keep track of who wants what, so you just have to go by often. Haven't had any really great finds, but I don't get by either one very often, so i have probably missed some neat stuff in past and just never knew it was there. I need to get back out to Wichita sometime - there is a place there called The Yard that sells surplus from the aircraft plants - tools and scrap material. Was there a couple times years ago, but haven't been there for years.
I go twice a day almost every day. Sometimes the guys will save you something but there are too many of them that snag everything they can for them selves. They also don't really care about saving anything (Crane operators).