Schooling the SWMBO???


Rest In Peace
Sep 24, 2010
How does everybody get their SWMBO to put tools back where she got em and take care of the mechanical stuff like cars? My SWMBO is a great woman (she puts up with me), but she can wreck a tool box in nothin flat. I go behind her after every project and return all of my tools to the proper drawers, again... Getting them to check oil, washer fluid and tire pressures are almost a lost cause too. Any ideas to help the SWMBO to understand that yes it is a PITA, but so is walking if you run a car without oil. I'm open for some suggestions to gently guide momma to quit leaving my tools laying around and to just check the big things on the car when she gets gas. I am currently in the process of rebuilding all the carbs on all of our garden equipment due to fuel left in the tanks and being stored for 3 years while I was overseas working. What a PITA that is. I guess it is my fault for not running everything out and locking it all up before I left. But ya gotta mow the grass and edge the drive, right? Oh well back to the carbs, should be done in a couple more days if I am lucky...
my wife doesnt do tools
my son was the one who thought tools were a one time use disposable item. problem solved he lost his key.
as far as the vehicles well maybe it's like trying to understand what it is to be blind...
disable her car lol
then hide
That could get me killed. She shoots as good as me almost. I am not willing to take the chance she misses anytime soon... she rarely does.
accept your misfortune and dodge the bullet
fix the mower and "Ride hard, go fast, get dirty, live large, have fun"
My wife doesn't fix squat. That's my job. But if she did, id be greatful as hell that she does. Id instruct her to at least put the tools in a neat pile next to the tool box and ill put them away.

Me and my wife have an understanding.
She doesn't expect me to wash the dishes or cook and I don't expect her to maintain our stuff and do yard work. Alls I ask is that she tells me when her car is acting funny and I tell her when I'm hungry. LOL :)
My wife doesn't fix squat. That's my job. But if she did, id be greatful as hell that she does. Id instruct her to at least put the tools in a neat pile next to the tool box and ill put them away.

Me and my wife have an understanding.
She doesn't expect me to wash the dishes or cook and I don't expect her to maintain our stuff and do yard work. Alls I ask is that she tells me when her car is acting funny and I tell her when I'm hungry. LOL :)

That's the way it should be. She has a hammer, pliers and screwdrivers anything else is honey do. In 27yrs I don't think anyone in my family besides me has looked in any of my tool boxes. I get my son involved in auto maintenance/repair but I get the tools out and put them up.

Now just look at this my way, My dearly beloved is the tidyest girl in town , whenever I put a tool down she picks it up and puts it away even if i havent finished with it , the trouble is that her places for things are different from mine so i dont always know what is where. I have banned her from the shop but somhow she manages to pop in whilst I am absent, Just to help out!!
When I open the door and see the floor all clean and tidy I shudder to think how long the next project is going to take Just finding the tools.
So be careful what you wish for.
Mines a good one....:worship:

Man me and the SWMBO Have 4 RULES
1. I NEVER EVER Go in her Purse or Dresser
2. She Never EVER goes in my tool box for anything
3. We only smoke ONE BRAND ever
4. I Obey every command given
Mine has her own tool box and tools, She does the wall repair and painting I do the rest. I learned years ago that a woman and a lawn mower do not mix.

If we stop at H.F. she buys more than I do, Last time she spernt 139. and some change. Oh and I'm the only one who pays the bills around here.

my wife never tried to help but her mother did
i had my own auto repair for years and my mother in law wanting to help decided to make it her job to keep the floors cleaned for me.
i had an old vette in the shop for a total brake restoration and the calipers come in halves one half to each box as rebuilts. the cores have to have their correct box to be returned and the core cost per box was $150.00. you probably know where this is going, she thru away all 8 boxes i needed to get my core money back.
"Thanks Mom"
I got the money back but it was over 30 days later and cost me 50 in restocking fees pheeewww!!!