Retirement lights, why are they called that?


Active User
Sep 20, 2012
Often seen machine fitted lights called retirement lights, can't think why that would be, even Googled is no help, does anyone know?

Often seen machine fitted lights called retirement lights, can't think why that would be, even Googled is no help, does anyone know?


Possible, it those built in lights with the sealed lens.
I know this!

They sell for real high prices on eBay, so high that you could retire if you had enough of them. Mostly the Delta #882 that typically sells for about $75 but some of the other brands also go for big money.
I think Clueless is on the right track. I once bought a flashlight (made you know where) and the instructions said it would be useful around the office, the automobile, the cabin, and "the anchor". Took me two days to figure out "anchor" meant "the home"!
Benard--I think they really mean recessed lights--or they know that all old retired machinists need bright lights to see.
Don't forget the "goof off chairs" around the back of the building, where
you go to sleep.


Interesting suggestions chaps, so it's not just a UK vs US language thing then!

Seems quite likely you might have it Mr CluelessNewB, it does seem that industrial lighting in the home is very trendy these days!

Maybe time to change your forum name methinks :biggrin:

Well Stuart that explains why so many old brass plates are stolen off machinery, and why someone had a go at the tiny none on my drill press motor!


On the subject of useful workshop lamps, I spotted these laying in the street in San Francisco early morning a couple of weeks ago!


Maybe they had escaped from the Pixar studios during the night, I left them there in case they embarrassingly escaped out of my carry on bag and caused havoc and mayhem on the plane....


19-DSCF0949.JPG 1-DSCF2520.JPG
AHHH Dranreb

They had just lost their will "light for power" sign or can you spare a few amps. :roflmao::roflmao:
