Recommend a Noga for Logan 820?


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Oct 18, 2018
I'm definitely ready to improve my indicating ability on the Logan 820, and would like to get a Noga. The issue is space on and around the lathe, which is both why I want the Noga and the right one. The Logan has sloped roofs on the cross-slide, compound and saddle, so my mount will be in the 3" space in front on the base (picture, below). The headstock shroud is available but that's over the chuck and a long way off; I'd prefer to not spend a fortune for a super long Noga. I'm already using a Mighty Mag with 2" indicator to get travel depth, mounted on the ways behind the cross-slide, and when I'm drilling/boring a 3D printed qctp mounted holder, but I'd like more flexibility to just turn an indicator into place when I need one.

So all suggestions are welcomed! I'd love to see pics from Logan 820 owners of what they do, too!
Many thanks, as always,



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I predict you will like the fine adjust at the base better than the fine adjust at the indicator. More rigid, and will work properly in both directions.
Agreed. I'm not a fan of the fine adjust at top. They can be finicky & break easy, although I have never broken one but have seen it quite a bit. I sold all of my FATs & kept all the FABs except for my mill quill mounted one which I rarely use. Plus I had way too many Nogas & really had no need for so many. Even now I still have too many.

I'm not sure how big your Logan is but the DG is a good size & is what I use the most. NF is really small & I rarely use mine but they have their place. MG is on the large side, I only have one cause I got a good deal on it but I only use it for holding a camera which is unnecessary. And the big boy, well unless you work on really big stuff no need for that.
I believe you would save money and time to make an indicator holder for your QCTP. It’s faster to drop in an indicator than set up any mag base system. No QCTP? That’s step one then.
Thanks, guys this is all really helpful.
I already have the qctp mounted 3D printed holder, like it but you can't have a tool holder in place at the same time.
And yes, Bob, pretty sure I want FAB.