Raspberry Pi and the Prusa i3 MK3S+

Just for fun

Tim Young
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2020
I have a Prusa MK3S+ on order, my plan is to put it in the shop. I do have Wi-Fi in the shop, so I am thinking us installing a Raspberry Pi and being able to access from the house. I have been reading about doing the install, the physical install doesn't seem too bad but the software part of it seems a little daunting to me. I suppose once I get into it, it won't be as bad as it seems.

Just wondering if anyone else is running this setup?
I believe that the one obstacle you will have Tim is that there are no Raspberry Pi boards available. There are Orange and Banana Pi boards that will work though. I believe that Orange and Banana Pi boards are not made by the same company that makes the Raspberry Pi, but that absolutely does not matter.
This project is on my to-do list also Tim, so I cannot give you step by step instructions. I know that using Octoprint is part of the equation for printer-PC communication.
I didn't realize there are no Raspberry Pi's available. Why is that?

I'll start doing research on the fruits.... They must program similar I suppose. Either way it's going to be out of my comfort zone, so it probably not going to matter.
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Installing octoPi is super easy. You just burn the image to a SD card and then edit a file to set up networking.
I second octoPi. Easy install and lots of great features
Question @jwmelvin or @jeffkash ... How many Gigs should one be looking for when shopping for a board. Is 2Gb enough? What about the number of pins on the header? I know that I want WiFi but what about BT?
This only solves part of the problem, but a buddy recently told me about tf wifi adapters, which would allow you to keep the card inside the printer and wirelessly send files to it. Won't allow you to initiate the print from inside though. Something like this:

Obtaining wireless printing functionality is the main point for doing the upgrade (at least for me.) This is accomplished via Octoprint and the wireless technology through the add-on board; thus, no more moving an SD card from the printer to the computer and then back to the printer.
Adding the ability to monitor the print via camera is an added bonus, along with some other ancillary functions.
Since Raspberry Pi is not available. I'm thinking of either the Orange Pi 3 or the Orange Pi 3 LTS, do either of those look like good options?

Neil, What are you thinking about getting?