Resolved Question about the site


Mark Silva
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Apr 30, 2015
I notice the "latest watched" column never changes- always the same list of old topics, for a couple years at least. Could that space be used for something else perhaps? Just wondering since I never seem to see any new topics there- maybe I don't understand how it works?
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My list changes, it starts from today, and the last one listed is July 22 for the latest watched list. maybe there is a setting to click on for watched threads?
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The Watched Threads and Watched Fora (0r Watched Forums, which is technically mispelled ) only changes if you or another list member posts a reply either in a watched thread or in a watched forum. There is also a choice somewhere (probably in the same area where you set up the rest of your account) that either has a check box or a N/Y choice to set up that says something like "automatically watch any thread that you originate". Anyway, any time that you decide that you are no longer interested in either a thread or a Forum, you can delete part of the Watched list.
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I notice the "latest watched" column never changes- always the same list of old topics, for a couple years at least. Could that space be used for something else perhaps? Just wondering since I never seem to see any new topics there- maybe I don't understand how it works?
Mark, I want to make sure we are answering your question. Are you referring to "Latest Activity" or "Watched Threads". If you could share the url of the page your are referring to, I will be able to precisely answer your question. As you know, there are a lot of different forum features and functions that sometimes look the same but actually are different. It could be function, it could be settings depending on where on the forum you are referring to.
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When you select Forums, it's the column on the right, below the "Latest threads", called "Latest watched"
I note some of the latest topics still show recent activity, but not some of the really old ones
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When you select Forums, it's the column on the right, below the "Latest threads", called "Latest watched"
I note some of the latest topics still show recent activity, but not some of the really old ones
That column is displaying threads you are "watching". If there is activity in a watched thread, it will show up and be sorted by newest date. Yes, if there are old threads you have watched in the past, those old threads will show up there if all of the other more recent threads have little activity. How much activity shows up in this column is a function of how much activity is in the threads you are watching. It will display a certain number of threads even if there is not activity.

Hope that makes sense.
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