Perfection No 2 Arbor Press


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2016
I picked this arbor press up from C-Bag. It is a Perfection No. 2 arbor press made by Naperville Machine Co. in Naperville, Illinois. I found an old 1930 ad on the Vintage Machinery website. It has a 5,000 lb capacity. Although it is rusty and dirty and needs a collar on one side it works smooth and appears to be in very good condition. Over the next several months I plan to clean it up and paint it in between more pressing projects.

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  • Perfection No 2 Arbor Press 1930 catalog.pdf
    763.5 KB · Views: 13
The best part is I talked the junk guy who’d beaten me to it for free out of it for $20. Junk guy had no clue literally what it was or what it was for. Was going to sell it for yard art, doh! It’s crazy if you look up early Greenerd press it looks EXACTLY like this press. It is possibly earlier than the one in the catalog because it has no adjusters on the front of the head.
I have to say I'm grateful for H-M too because I wouldn't have met and built up a local network of like minded guys like mickri, bill70j and UlmaDoc. Passing info, working on projects(thanks bill70j!) and stuff besides getting to share our passion for all things metal has been the best. I'm so glad Chuck ended up with the Perfection and I also passed on a HF 12tn H press that I didn't need anymore. Right place, right time right person. Doesn't get much better than that. I think that's why things keep falling into my lap. And like my shop it can only hold so much so gotta pass it on.
C-Bag did a similar mod to his arbor press that he showed me. I will do something like that when I get to making the collar.
That re clock thing is genius.

The other great mod I did was replace one of the front gib adj bolts with a knobbed bolt so I can lock the arbor in place while I re clock. And a 6” handwheel to quickly reel the arbor up and down.
The other great mod I did was replace one of the front gib adj bolts with a knobbed bolt so I can lock the arbor in place while I re clock.

Oooh, another great idea!