Not Exactly A Traditional Hobbyest Machine...


Chief Tinkerer
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Mar 21, 2013
I'm still thinking that when I retire and move back to AZ (now maybe the QueenCreek area) I would like to upgrade my mill one last time. Depending upon available funds at that time, the short list will likely be:

Sharp LMV w/digital head

The prices range from approx. $7k-$9k. :eek:

I didn't even know Matt carried the PM949EV, though I had heard that he carried a larger Taiwan mill than the 935 (Matt says built in the same factory). When I asked him if he carried a EVS (electronic variable speed) mill, he told me about this one.

For those who like machine pics, and who here doesn't, Matt did send me a snapshot of one.


Like I said, not what some would consider a 'hobby mill' (well, Jim likely does. :D) by most folks, but there seems to be a significant number of members here with larger machines.
Need to see some more pics and specs but it looks like a nice mill. I'm not a big fan of how they mounted the read out, electrical, and light but I'm picky as hell when it comes to that stuff. That's a different Y saddle than the 935 note the sloped front ala Bridgeport vs flat front on the 935. See that X limit switch the bracket is angled for that slope on purpose. Love the chip tray on the bottom and it looks like it has two drains vs one drain on the 935. What's hiding under that box over the brake some kind of off switch?

If Jim's big orange fork lift is considered a hobby machine that means pretty much any mill under 10,000 lbs is hobby class. :disillusion:
Not quite as picky as you Charles (wink, wink), but I agree with you on the electrical control mounting. Could make for a early project.

I too wonder what that box is on the spindle brake. See what looks like a cable coming out the bottom of that cover? The brake may just be a electrical switch back to the VFD, but the makers decided to put a lever up there where the Old School guys are expecting a mechanical? Or, it could be a mechanical brake with a electrical switch to the stop input on the VFD so all you have to do to stop the spindle would be to grab the brake (my preferred option). Dunno, just supposition on my part. And sorry, but this was the only pic Matt sent me. Didn't ask for specs as this decision is still a ways off and I don't want to pester him too much.

Forgot about Jim's Big Orange. Probably because I was jealous when I saw it and immediately blocked it out...

I would have this thing drop shipped to a rigger and have them deliver it to my garage. Way too large for a lift-gate delivery.
Honestly, I don't know/didn't ask. From the looks of that knee, base, and saddle I would guesstimate around 2400 lbs. Maybe a bit more. It's only a 9x49.
Bill here I searched ebay for a 'mans' mill and found you one, 10hp 5 ton 50 taper.
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That's a nice sized mill.

I tried to buy another today at auction, but got out bid. The same size as mine, 10x50, Manual/CNC. I quit biding at $1050, it went for $1250.