New shop wiring time?

If you surface mount the panel you can add to it at any time you running conduit with the proper wire to the needed location. This way you don't wind up having outlets in the wrong place and having to run another one
I am running a 60 amp sub panel into the shop with 2 220 V outlets as well as several 15A circuits with all the needed lighting etc. As I mentioned I just wanted a good jumping off point to tell the electrician when he is here. Getting excited about the new space!

That is the same that I ran for my shop. I went with 3x 30A 240v and several 20A 120v.

I went with 30A for a couple of reasons, the main one being that the VFD on my mill (3/4hp motor) recommended 30A. I also needed 30A for my welder. I wanted to keep all the outlets the same so I wont limit my options if I decide to rearrange things in the future.

The cost difference between 30A and 20A is minimal, the only consideration that I failed to include is that you can get duplex 240v @ 20A outlets, but at 30A and higher you are limited to singles. Still with the wiring for 30A I always have the option of going smaller and replacing the outlet and breaker for 20A, but going bigger usually means having to run a completely new circuit.
I ran a 125A sub-panel in my shop. the Panel is Surface mounted and easy to add another circuit. In fact. I just added a dedicated 50A circuit for my Welder. Easy-Peasy