Need transport for small machine - From NC to S.AL, S.GA, or N.FL

wayback machine

Jun 6, 2015
Anyone traveling from the Asheboro/Raleigh NC area to South GA, south AL, or north FL. ?
I need someone to help move a small machine, hand carry-able, could fit in even a small car.
Happy to help with any extra expense.
I know this isn't a very active sub forum, but it never hurts to ask, and you never know :~)
Thanks for looking.
If it is hand carry-able, is it small enough to put in a box and ship it door to door?

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Of course it can be shipped - I've already inquired with Fastenal, as I've used them before.
And that's the plan, and the seller has agreed to crate it. But it costs, and there's always the possibility of damage.
SO, I thought, it never hurts to ask if someone might be traveling close enough to me, to make it work that way.
I have no delusions about this, and I'm sure I'll wind up getting it shipped in the end, and for a lot more than I paid for it :~)