My little hobby


Active User
I hope its OK to post this here. This woodworking hobby is the reason I came to a machinist forum:)
Here are a few pictures of some of the drums that I make and sell around the world. I rip the wood, glue the shell together, and turn it on my wood lathe. The only parts that I don't make are the metal parts; the lugs ( the 10 tube type fixtures running from top to bottom) and throw-off (the piece with the knob on top and arm on the side). That's why I'm here. I want to start making my own metal parts so that my drums are made completely in house (garage). Anyways, I'm searching locally for a lathe and small mill on CL and through a couple of friends the build hot rods and machine various thing for a living. If I ever get this rolling I will surely be asking many questions. I hope you enjoy my handy work, and hopefully soon, I'll be able to show you all something that I made out of metal.

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Wow, really fine craftsmanship!

All the smaller metal pieces are easily done on a lathe and there will be a good bit of polishing and finishing. At a first glance, the large rings might be a little hard to make without some serious hydraulic presses and forming machines though... Hopefully others here have more ideas on how to tackle that.

Thanks for showing...

Craviotto has nothing on you sir. Beautiful. They undoubtedly sound as good as they look. Are you thinking of trying a brass shell or just hardware?


Totally beautiful!
Can't wait to see more on where you go with this.
I think you could make all your metal parts (minus the big rings) with a mini lathe.
Not to keep you from getting something bigger mind you, bigger is always better!

Welcome to the sickness!
Thanks guys! Right now I'm just wanting to do the lugs and throw-off. The hoops (the large metal circles) I'm not so worried about. There really isn't much to do with those. The reason that I want to make my own lugs And throw-off is to give my drums a more signature look.

The parts that I'm buying right now are made mostly in China. They are very high quality, have nice plating, etc...but I want to make some of my own. I'd prefer to get some older machines, but well see how that pans out.

Thanks again!
Bellwether, welcome to the forum. You make some beautiful drums. You will really enjoy making your own fittings.
Craviotto has nothing on you sir. Beautiful. They undoubtedly sound as good as they look. Are you thinking of trying a brass shell or just hardware?


Thanks! I take it you're a drummer? No brass shells I only build wood stave shells. I'm only wanting, hoping to build hardware.
I know we are here for metal working but I would love to see your process for making the wood parts. I am looking to make myself a few hat boxes and these would be a great starting point. This is incredible work.
