My eviction notice

I despise yellow jackets. Those things are evil a-holes. Most bugs, I just let be. Those things I kill ASAP.
Yellowjackets are notoriously hard to bait. I've tried many different baits and finally found one that works. A thimble full of boric acid (the cap on the bottle) mixed with a couple of tablespoons of canned cat food is a mix that they will take enthusiastically. The queens are out right now, looking to start their nests. I will start baiting as soon as the workers show up.
Yellowjackets are notoriously hard to bait. I've tried many different baits and finally found one that works. A thimble full of boric acid (the cap on the bottle) mixed with a couple of tablespoons of canned cat food is a mix that they will take enthusiastically. The queens are out right now, looking to start their nests. I will start baiting as soon as the workers show up.
Tuna works well, also. But if you like squirrels (yes, they will...) then keep it out of their reach.

"Mud daubers" sounds so aristocratic. I grew up knowing them as dirt dobbers.

Yep me too but I grew up in West Texas. Its too dry there for them to use Mud so they use dirt. I moved away from that $hit Hole and now live in North Texas. Dobbers is also the correct spelling of Daubers in West Texas.
Video is hilarious. I've had an on going battle with the Mud Daubers for almost 39 years now. I would much rather have the wasp. Mud daubers are very very destructive. I have replaced the motor on my air compressor 3 times because they build their mud nest inside the motors. Now all my motors have screen wire covering the air intakes. Same with my welding machine. I since bought a 2 stage Ingersol rand compressor in in less than 2 weeks they destroyed the motor on it. that one was over $300 usd to replace. So just in aircompressor motors alone I have spent over $900. My soultion to the Wasp is to put Apple Juice and Boric acid in a empty bottle with a piece of a stick or tree limb sticking out the top of it. The wasp will crawl down the stick and get a drink and take it back to their nest and feed their families thus killing the entire colony. I am currently in an ongoing battle with fire ants. I am using powdered sugar and Boric Acid. Theory is they will take it down inside the nest and kill the queen with it. Don't know how well it works but the trick with the wasp seems to have almost totally eliminated them.

Mud Daubers are in the same category as Cockroaches. True survivors. I've tried everything from Mothballs to sticky fly paper traps. I kid you not the Mud Daubers built a mud nest in the spout of my gas can and it was full yes full 5 gallons of gas in it. they hate me and I hate them. They would spit mud balls on my Corvette jus to let me know how much they hate me. One time one flew inside of my eyeglasses and put a mud ball on my nose!

I even built an insect proof room to put my machine tools in to keep them from destroying them.

The only escape is to move away and hope they don't find where I live.
I have seen Mud Daubers plug up 1/16" diameter ventral passages on Carburetors on the bench for no reason.

I found an ant poison the you broadcast in your yard like fertilizer once every 6 months that keeps them out of the yard. In the garden I like to use Diatomaceous Earth (DE), it isn't a poison and does a decent job but it'll do the earth worms in too. I'll get a pic of the ant poison tonight and share, in case you are interested...

I like your idea on the boric acid on the wasp, I have issues with the Red Wasp, they are as tenacious as the fire ants and very aggressive, I have to keep a can of the Hot Shot 50 caliber sniper spray around for those...
Y'all have some mean daubers. When I had them they just made muddy chunks in my rafters and were nothing to worry about. I never had them gumming up my equipment.

Fortunately I have none of them anywhere here.

I have seen Mud Daubers plug up 1/16" diameter ventral passages on Carburetors on the bench for no reason.

I found an ant poison you broadcast in your yard like fertilizer once every 6 months that keeps them out of the yard. In the garden I like to use Diatomaceous Earth (DE), it isn't a poison and does a decent job but it'll do the earth worms in too. I'll get a pic of the ant poison tonight and share, in case you are interested...

I like your idea on the boric acid on the wasp, I have issues with the Red Wasp, they are as tenacious as the fire ants and very aggressive, I have to keep a can of the Hot Shot 50 caliber sniper spray around for those...
I've been dealing with these mud bastards for almost 40 years here at my place. Paint gun nozzles carburetor parts. Inside engines. (Leave the dipstick out and they will crawl inside the crank case and build a nest. You would think the Oil inside the engine would repel them but nope) I left the hoses unhooked from my oxy-acetylene torch one time and when I tried to light the torch no flame. Once I figured out why it would not light, I had to take the valve off of it and clean the mud out of the valve. I've got pictures of an entire wall behind my horizontal band saw where they bombarded the wall with mud balls. And some will say they "But they eat spiders" I say give me the spiders and I will eat them myself if it will make the Mud Daubers leave me alone! Whiskey I am reluctant to put out any kind of insecticide on my yard because I have a little dog and so do my neighbors who are allowed to roam freely when outside. They get the poison on their feet and absorb it or lick their feet. Same with weed killer. ( I would eat a Mud Dauber if it would keep my little dog Snuggles from getting sick. )
I've been dealing with these mud bastards for almost 40 years here at my place. Paint gun nozzles carburetor parts. Inside engines. (Leave the dipstick out and they will crawl inside the crank case and build a nest. You would think the Oil inside the engine would repel them but nope) I left the hoses unhooked from my oxy-acetylene torch one time and when I tried to light the torch no flame. Once I figured out why it would not light, I had to take the valve off of it and clean the mud out of the valve. I've got pictures of an entire wall behind my horizontal band saw where they bombarded the wall with mud balls. And some will say they "But they eat spiders" I say give me the spiders and I will eat them myself if it will make the Mud Daubers leave me alone! Whiskey I am reluctant to put out any kind of insecticide on my yard because I have a little dog and so do my neighbors who are allowed to roam freely when outside. They get the poison on their feet and absorb it or lick their feet. Same with weed killer. ( I would eat a Mud Dauber if it would keep my little dog Snuggles from getting sick. )
I understand completely...