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Best luck I've had with broken off bolts is left hand drills. I learned to hate easy outs.
Best luck I've had with broken off bolts is left hand drills. I learned to hate easy outs.
None of that stuff works for me unless the left over screw isn’t really stuck. Drilling them out or even burning them out has been the tried and true.
None of that stuff works for me unless the left over screw isn’t really stuck. Drilling them out or even burning them out has been the tried and true.
I weld them out. Easy out type things only work on stuff that stripped or broke due to defect or improper tool used on it. If it was stuck enough to break off then an easy out aint gonna cut it. Welding has always worked VERY well for me and does not come with the need of precision like drilling out does nor the risk of damage. The key is to weld slow so the heat can penetrate. Tig welders are best, especially for those broke of below the surface a bit.