Milling Machine dilema

Welcome to the world of auctions :) I have seen stuff go for crazy prices. There is no rhyme nor reason to what stuff goes for.

Yes you can add the Z axis, there are a few different ways of doing it. Mine started out life as 2 axis and today it is a 4 axis. The controls retrofit is at your discretion. If the original control is working and you are happy with it, then no need to change.
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Last auction I did two weeks ago they had about a dozen bridge ports they went from 650 to 850. Six do all surface grinders two sold for 300 bucks other four nobody bid. Other recent ones saw Bridgeport going for 2500-3k just jhead with 1/2-1hp motors. When I actually went and saw them when picking stuff up they were beat, no chrome ways and no visible flaking left. It's a crap shoot location is one. One thing buying a cnc off a auction site unseen may be alittle iffe. Most likely the company put it through its paces 8hrs a day if not more and road it to the ground with the business hence the auction. At least that's what I've seen with 3/4 of the auction I've been too. Building falling apart leaks all over the place and equipment rode hard till its last day operating and left for auction. Acouple were different but rare. Good luck!
I spent 40 years buying machinery at auctions...........only the brave or foolhardy buy sight unseen.........always inspect before you buy,and if you dont know the machine ,take someone who does to the inspection........Ive seen plenty of bargains,and plenty of people waste money on duds......CNCs have their own risks ,unless you are a machine tech and can troubleshoot and repair yourself,because pro help is going to be $100 /hr.+....and the "its no longer supported/need upgrades"
All right, it seems the money burning a whole in my pocket is just gonna have to cool it.

anyhow here is the link to the first day of the auction, if anyone wants to come and show me what i should be looking for. I live about an hour north of the auction and got a spare room you can crash in

I saw the Chicago one they will go for good money. It's a consignment auction they want a good going rate. Their is still a lot of time on that first one check prices the week or day before and let us know.
That's on heckofan Auction.
Lot #146 of the Looper auction, looks to me to be a Rockwell MILL - not a drill press - hehe

One the second auction, the ProtoTraks have no bids?!
Auction around here a couple of years ago the one in it went for over 10K.
Welp the one i bid on went for 5750, bids on others went for around 3500 to 5k...

back to the search
Yeah they can jump up quick. Sometimes I wonder what are they seeing that I’m not? Their out there just takes some searching little luck and some Benjamin’s!