Mill Hold Down Step Block Set


Professional Fish Killer
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Sep 24, 2014
I am currently using a $50 52pc set. Suffice it to say that I am not happy with it. The threading, or coating is so bad that they can't be hand threaded. I would like to upgrade to a good set but visually they all look exactly the same. Just the prices differ. I would appreciate a suggestion.
I bought a cheap set also I can hardly thread the nuts on, I have been thinking about running a thread chaser down the studs
maybe the threads will clean up so they can be used
I highly recommend using a thread chaser on the studs and run a tap through the nuts. I do that to mine all the time just to clean the chips out of the threads. They work much better.
Besides the threading issue, when I bear down hard on one of the nuts it seems to be bending the threads, so now, even if I had cleaned up the threads and threaded the nut on ok, it won't turn off easily and has to be wrenched all the way!
At this point I won't mind spending the extra dollars on a Gibraltar or Teco, I just want confirmation from someone that has as a set of those that they don't have the same issues.
Don't write off the cheap sets, The $60 set that came with my mill works really well, but it isn't as pretty as some of the high dollar sets.
what brand is your set Dan? My cheap set is.... well..... cheap, and doesn't function well.
The set that came as part of an option package from Precision Machine, (grey plastic rack with metal back), while it isn't high quality, certainly is usable without much work. I swiped a file over the steps of the T nuts, to make them smoother moving, and everything else worked just fine. The threads all go together with finger pressure, no problems at all. If I made them myself, yeah, they'd be better, but I'm content with them the way they are.
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I recently picked up a cheap set here:
I think it was only $45. So far I haven't had any issues with it.