Metalworking/Machinery Museums

Not strictly a machining or tooling museum ... but here's the machine shop on board the USS Enterprise in San Diego.

Bonus question - look at the last photo and find a couple of nomenclature errors, plus one large "setup" error. It appears that the guy who put this together was NOT a machinist!

kHPIM4379.jpg kHPIM4380.jpg kHPIM4381.jpg kHPIM4383.jpg kHPIM4387.jpg kHPIM4388.jpg kHPIM4389.jpg
Ok, I'll bite, the fly cutter is not a fly cutter and the planer gage is assembled wrong?
The "fly cutter" is a hole cutter or "trepanning tool" The planer gage slide is assembled backwards, the surfaces of the two parts should be parallel or perpendicular to the base, depending which surface we are talking about.
The above mentioned faux pas plus the "Machine Gauges" are Radius Gauges. Oh and the Countersinks are labeled "Milling ???"
You guys got everything I was able to see. Other than these minor things, it was a nice exhibit (as was the rest of the carrier!)