You have a very good trigonometrically capable calculator right at your fingertips. Open a terminal session on your computer (a "DOS window" if you are a Windows user) and if you have Python installed, (you certainly do if running Linux, might have to install if you are on WinDOHs) type "python3" [ENTER] and then "import math" [ENTER]. You will then be working in the python environment and have the powerful "math" library of functions at your command. You can't ask for a better calculator. Way better than "apps" that spoon feed the power to you, flavored with ads or paid for with your personal data. For simple arithmetic you do not have to import the math library. When calling higher functions you have to prefix the function with "math." and don't forget to include the period, i.e. like "math.sin()". Also the trig functions expect angular inputs to be in radians but there is a function for that, "math.radians()". Obviously you can also cut and paste to/from, which is extremely handy and useful. Can't do that with a handheld calc.