Making a LOGO


Feb 7, 2013
This morning I decided to attempt making a logo to mark the wooden tool boxes I have been making. The idea
is sort of a branding iron for wood. I had a piece of gear stock that I had made a while ago in 16 DP so used
the lathe to machine on the face of the gear end and make a depression to hold the lettering using a 3/4 inch end
mill. I made the letters out of some steel welding rod and silver soldered then into the depression in the gear.
I spent a lot of time trying to get the face of the logo tool perfectly flat and it still needs more work. You have to
heat up the logo with a propane torch or some sort of heat to get the logo to about 400 degrees or so. Then I set the
logo on a level area on the box and let it burn in for about 10 seconds. Time and temperature are fairly critical
and of course the logo has to be oriented properly. I'm still not done with this project and may make another one,
maybe a bigger one as the smaller it is the harder it is to make the letters. Here's a photo on a test piece to give
you an idea of what it is supposed top look like.

Now, mind you that I am left handed which accounts for the backwards "B" which seems to fit my personality as well
as the fact that I am 100% Norwegian and have been known to eat lutefisk, lefse, krumkaka and goro.