"Machining" Dead Tree Carcass aka Wood


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H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Nov 27, 2012
So I've heard of people "machining" wood in a metalworking mill or lathe. And then there are those who say, don't do it, wood has no business in a mill or lathe. I was always one of those against trying it as well.

Well, I tried it today. I needed to get the bow out of a piece of wood. I don't have a planer, really I don't have many tools to work with wood. So I figured I'd just fly cut it. It worked out beautifully but damn I'll never do that again! "Sawdust" got everywhere and all I did was a few passes, clean up sucked! Didn't help that I had the fan on either (it's warm today). I think I'd rather machine ductile iron! I have a newfound respect for all you wood workers in the home shop. :big grin:

I've done it fairly often - used my horizontal mill to make stiles and rails for frame and panel doors a few times.

It's all right as long as you clean up thoroughly afterward.
as long as you clean up thoroughly afterward.

That's the part that was not worth it to me. Wasn't just the mill that I had to clean. After I cleaned the mill, I turned around & there was sawdust all over my work bench & lathe! :bang head: The wood did come out nice though. Lol
I duct tape a vacuum cleaner hose to the mill, gets most of the chips.

Not sure if that would've helped with the big fly cutter I used. Sawdust was flying all over from all directions. :)
Smiled at this one, Will. A jointer would have done this quickly and a hand plane would have done it quietly and just as well. I have a Jet dust collector hooked up to a Super Dust Deputy for this very reason - to keep the wood dust out of my machine tools. Wood is messy stuff!
Unfortunately I don't own a jointer or hand plane. Saw, sand, stain, screw together, or glue is just about all I do with wood. :)

An old friend of mine is a wood worker & in the past I would call him to help me with my wood related needs. But unfortunately we lost contact & I haven't talked to him in years.
Wouldn't work with a large fly cutter but................ :grin:

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Nice! You know, I had that exact picture in my head afterwards (was too late & wouldn't have done me good anyways). Thanks for the reminder of where I saw that great idea. I kept thinking I had saw it on YT or something.
Will , my dust collection system ended up in the firepit Sunday night ! Wish I coulda helped . :big grin: