LS Starrett Company Sold to a Private Firm

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Exploit, profit, pump, and dump. Equity firms buy businesses as playthings to tinker with, turn upside down, and shake in hopes of some coins falling out. When nothing is left to rattle inside, they palm them off to another Corp like a used car salesman who has been sitting on a lemon Corvair for too long. That rube is the one who closes the factory and moves the name overseas.

Remington has been a conglomerate pawn for decades. Their products and reputation have suffered horribly since the 1970s, hitting new lows in this new century. Profit comes first, and that is the flaw in the system... you capitalist pigs. If only quality and longevity were values as they are in the more moderate European economy, we'd be better off. Slower profits plus stability, what a concept.
Time to collect the old Starrett stuff, it'll be sought after in a few years,,,
Venture Capitalist are far worst, as they never use their own money. Mortgage all the assets and sell what can’t be mortgage, take the money and walk away.

Anybody read the last chapter of Michael Crichton’s Rising Sun?
For those wanting to read the entire disgusting (in my opinion) Friedman paper:

As one who has done his two hundred hours on das Kapital and Marx's social economy, not only is it disgusting, it was clearly foretold, described, and drawn out to its plausible conclusions. What's criminal is that we, as a society, grew too numb and stupid in our post-industrial comfort bubbles to stop it from happening. So here we are, waiting for the glaciers to melt and navel gazing about what kind of pickup truck to buy...
Evening all...I haven't read through all of the posts, but from my eye, this looks like 4 pages of civility. Thank you all.

We prefer to preserve this thread as is and not let it spiral. We did receive a couple of pre-emptive reports on our NO POLITICS rule and many have skirted the line if not crossed back and forth.

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