Looking for motion sensor with long ON time


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2016
I've been searching but to no avail for a motion sensor switch (with or without lights, but I don't need lights) that will stay on for about an hour or so. I want this to control power at my desk and not go off while I'm sitting there (even if I'm not moving much) but then go off automatically if I leave and forget to shut things down manually. The longest time delay I've found is 30 minutes.

I guess I haven't used the right search words.

Then you got it made. when ever the sensor says "no motion" start a timer in the controller. If it sees motion, reset the timer. If it times out, kill power to pc. or you could get fancy and close the reset button to the pc to tell it to shut down.

I LOVE playing with home automation. No end to the neat things that can be done.
Some 20-25 years back, the HR department got the hots for such a switch in all spaces and offices. My boss had a big row over putting them in electrical control spaces. HR would have them installed, and we, the local electrical people, would quietly follow along and replace them with light switches or hard wire across them. A man squatted down on the floor troubleshooting was below the sensitivity level of the switches. They seemed to switch off the lights just as we would make an adjustment. Seems our source was W W Grainger. There were many electrical supply houses in the area, all carried such a switch.

I ordered one of the 30 minute ones from A. Even if I read very slowly (as I do) that should keep me from being shut out unexpectedly.
Thanks all!
Got it and it works great! I did also put a constant on and a constant off switch for those special times.
Many time delay circuits use a capacitor that slowly charges or discharges to determine the delay time. It may be possible to hack the control. Doubling the capacitance will double the maximum delay time at the expense of also doubling the minimum delay time.
Thanks. It's working fine now. No more time spent needed.