Kdk Tool Holder Versus The Aloris Type Tool Holder

Ed ke6bnl

Nov 20, 2014
My lathe came with the kdk tool holder the holders cost much more then the aloris (type) ones. is one tool holder better then the other or bite the bullet and get some more kdk holders?? never used the aloris type
We have KDK in our prototype shop at work and I have a BXA at home. One nice thing about the KDK style holders is that you can have two different tools in one holder and just flip it end for end to use them. Probably the biggest drawback is that the KDK style is now out of production and there is no large supply of knockoff holders like there is for the aloris style.
I guess another problem with KDK holders is that they were mostly popular on the west coast so unlike the aloris style, there is also not a very large used market on e-bay. But if you already have the post and can find some holders to go with it, it is a rather nice setup.
where is china when you need them
China does make KDK style tool posts & holders. They're not as cheap as what Aloris clones go for & they're not as widely available as the Aloris clones either.
do you by any chance have a suppliers name that might sell them
they are too rich for me. I do catch them on ebay reasonable once in a while
It seem to be like the Ford / General Motors dichotomy. Whatever you start with you stay with.

I got an Aloris early on for my 12" Atlas and got used to it - when I upgraded to the Clausing it came with a set of KDK toolholders and I hated it. It seemed awkward to use, even though you could get two different tools into one holder and flip them to change.

So I replaced it with an Aloris BXA and eBay'ed the KDK -

And I'm sure I'd tell the same story in reverse if my first toolholder was a KDK :)

they sure seem to be proud of those holders. i remember when CDCO had bxa's for $15 each. . . have not checked lately, maybe he's not in business due to his really low pricing :)