Is there a way to slice with different settings for different features?


Active User
Oct 29, 2012
The question applies to any slicer (please specify which one you're talking about).

I have experience with old school Slic3r, Cura, and now QIDISlicer which I think is based on Prusa Slicer.

In none of those programs have I seen what I'm looking for, and it's something that just keeps coming up, so I can't be the only one needing it. It's probably there and I'm missing it.

I'm looking for a way to choose certain features of a part to treat specially. Take this for example:


It's a 4" swiveling barbed hose fitting and those are bearing races at the bottom. I would like to print those with very fine detail .15mm layer height or smaller. The rest of the thing is a dumb barbed hose fitting that could be done at .3mm or larger to speed things up. But nooo, this has to take hours just because of the fine detail needed on that one feature.

Or take this thing for example:
The holes in this bracket are meant to be drilled out to final diameter.


I would like to specify solid infill or extra walls, just around those holes. Not for the whole part.

Or maybe I'm filling up the print bed with multiple parts and some of them I want solid infill, others I don't.

Can do? How? Which slicer?
The question applies to any slicer (please specify which one you're talking about).

I have experience with old school Slic3r, Cura, and now QIDISlicer which I think is based on Prusa Slicer.

In none of those programs have I seen what I'm looking for, and it's something that just keeps coming up, so I can't be the only one needing it. It's probably there and I'm missing it.

I'm looking for a way to choose certain features of a part to treat specially. Take this for example:

View attachment 467021

It's a 4" swiveling barbed hose fitting and those are bearing races at the bottom. I would like to print those with very fine detail .15mm layer height or smaller. The rest of the thing is a dumb barbed hose fitting that could be done at .3mm or larger to speed things up. But nooo, this has to take hours just because of the fine detail needed on that one feature.

Or take this thing for example:
The holes in this bracket are meant to be drilled out to final diameter.

View attachment 467027

I would like to specify solid infill or extra walls, just around those holes. Not for the whole part.

Or maybe I'm filling up the print bed with multiple parts and some of them I want solid infill, others I don't.

Can do? How? Which slicer?

For your first question, In Prusa Slicer, using variable layer heights is described here:

For your second question, i'm only vaguely familiar with Prusa Slicers "modifiers". Which are what you would use to add solid infill to specific locations of a part. I remember it from the Prusa designing for 3d printing class, but I still need to educate myself more on "modifiers". The use of modifiers is described here:

The use you are asking about, i believe, is "modifier mesh", which works something like a Boolean. You add a modifier shape, and the 3 dimensional intersection between your part and the modifier part becomes a solid infill, or removes solid infill.

Edited to add:
I refamiliarized my self with the material on modifiers, but it would be way too hard to describe via text. I'll do a video right quick.
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Unless i'm mistaken, this is what you are asking about regarding the screw holes:

For multiple instance of the same part, where you want some to have solid infill and others not. Use a really big modifier that completely encompasses the part or parts that you would like to be solid.
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Thank you! I really appreciate you going out of your way to demonstrate that on video. I will check if QidiSlicer has modifiers and if not, I'll give Prusa Slicer a shot. I know it has the variable layer height option, I noticed it before I left the shop earlier. I haven't had a chance to use it.