Is my chuck mount repeatable?


H-M Supporter - Sustaining Member
H-M Platinum Supporter
Aug 29, 2019
I was in the process of putting new spark plugs in my 2003 Envoy when this happened. I have 2 shops. Old shop/New Shop. I needed a pair of needle nose plyers from the new shop so I walked from Old shop to New shop to get the plyers. Next thing I know I was looking at my lathe chuck. Somewhere in-between Old shop and New shop I must have walked across the bridge of dead brain cells. Long story short I made this video then found the plyers and went back to the Old shop to change the spark plugs. Am I the only one this happens to? Nuff of my Stuff ! on with the video.

You are not alone…. I call it squirrel moments…. Look! Squirrel!!! And there goes my mind on to chasing it…completely forgetting about previous task…
Brain farts.

Glasses I’m looking for I’m already wearing, can’t find the tool that is in my hand, shoes on the wrong hand.

I get episodes of what’s known as ocular occlusion. I can see the item I’m looking for in my minds eye and it can be right there staring at me, but if it’s partially hidden or not in the orientation I’m seeing it in I can’t find it.

I joke with my coworkers that it is my super power as I can make anything disappear just by trying to find it.

What were we talking about?
Couldn't locate my 8 foot Johnson bar yesterday , it was 2 feet in front of my face . :rolleyes:
"I can't remember" sometimes happens hourly. I've been 85 for the last....let me see....3 months and it keeps happening. Did I really say I'd do that?
No, you'll fit right in here with the rest of us chronologically challenged, and welcome to the?, the? forum. Mike

I'll be 77 next week - this discussion makes me feel a little better about it. I thought I was the only one that had that stuff happen to them.
My 5 lb. hammer has gone missing . Used it last week for driving pvc pipes into the ground for the new solar lights . So I have 200+ hammers but can't find the 1 I need . :rolleyes: