I'm Moving

so I have more than enough room for now. But when I get to welding and possibly adding a wood working tool or two that may change
You are freegin hilarious! "or two" and "that may change"... classic! :)

Just remember nature abhors a vacuum, and I'm pretty sure even thinking about more space will cause it to fill up when you are dealing with a shop situation.
Hey, I'm trying to be honest. But maybe a little vague for some. Seems to be in the air at the moment... ;)
Will you be able to fire a weapon outside on that property?

Likely not. Most everyone around here is on 1-4 acres, and I don't think I'm within city limits proper, but that's still too close for lobbing projectiles around IMO.

When you are settled and ready to start the grind, let me know. I will post your resume on our LinkedIn page. We have 1000 connections, including some recruiters. Worth a shot.

Cal Haines is in AZ, you might want to meet up and see if he has any thoughts.
Thanks Nels, I will keep this in mind! :)
I introduced you on there. Reply with your resume , and see if you get any bites.