I woke up late and made my coffee too strong. Day is ruined.


Mangler of grammar, off my meds.
H-M Supporter Gold Member
May 7, 2023
Now what am I going to do?

I need to do some work on our new shed but now I'm going to have the jitters and wont be able to cut a straight line. Not that I ever could anyway.

I hate woodworking or working on the house in general, wood just doesn't listen to me the way metal does, nails don't go in straight....

We have cedar siding and in repairing that yesterday and trying to get the nailhead set, I cracked the spare piece of siding I had to use as the patch. Not the end of the world as this piece is behind a downspout, down low on a corner that doesn't see much use, but still, that bugs me.
I’m in somewhat the same conundrum. We’re in the middle of overhauling the backyard which has been on the wanndo list for 15yrs. One of the big things is a new shed to replace the 8x10 crappy metal generic garden shed. I am also NOT a wood guy but nobody makes a reasonable 12x12x11 metal shed. So I‘m going through all kinds of mental contortions to try and fill the bill. The closest is one of those 12x12 wood barns but they are expensive and the way they put those “kits” together I’ll bet way over half the 2x4’s are junk.

Good luck with your shed. I suffer from how I would deal with the screwups that nobody else but me would see every time I go in the shed.
Now what am I going to do?

I need to do some work on our new shed but now I'm going to have the jitters and wont be able to cut a straight line. Not that I ever could anyway.

I hate woodworking or working on the house in general, wood just doesn't listen to me the way metal does, nails don't go in straight....

We have cedar siding and in repairing that yesterday and trying to get the nailhead set, I cracked the spare piece of siding I had to use as the patch. Not the end of the world as this piece is behind a downspout, down low on a corner that doesn't see much use, but still, that bugs me.
This is what happens when you have unrefined tastes in coffee my friend. :finger wag:


Seriously though, you're spot on about wood. Stupid, organic, unpredictable stuff. Frankly I see skilled joiners as less artisans but more social workers for cellulose.

These days I can now just about do a functional job of putting bits of wood together to form a useful and sturdy structure of some kind, but it's unlikely I'll ever do a beautiful job.

And you know? That's fine. I've learned to accept that wood is a fickle subject and if I am forced to use it, I will not take the blame for its unwillingness to accept the master's simple requests that it behave in a graceful fashion. As long as the damn stuff will conform to a reasonably sturdy and functional shape, it can sulk and look as 'rustic' as it likes. ;)
If you want something bad enough, you should learn to do it in a reasonably professional manner; I wanted to build a home shop, even though I had a commercial shop downtown, so, I built onto an existing building, monkey see, monkey do, it is a bit on the rough side, but it works for me, I observed electricians and what they do, and I wired the shop in a reasonably proficient manner. I wanted to build a steam engine for my boat, I learned patternmaking and built a set of patterns on matchboards, had castings made and sold about 10 sets; if you have talent in one area, you should be able to develop talents in other areas and be proficient with other materials, my downfall was math in school, but I was able to work with it in relevant situations such as were encountered in the machinist trade, all it takes is the will to do it.
This is what happens when you have unrefined tastes in coffee my friend. :finger wag:


Seriously though, you're spot on about wood. Stupid, organic, unpredictable stuff. Frankly I see skilled joiners as less artisans but more social workers for cellulose.

These days I can now just about do a functional job of putting bits of wood together to form a useful and sturdy structure of some kind, but it's unlikely I'll ever do a beautiful job.

And you know? That's fine. I've learned to accept that wood is a fickle subject and if I am forced to use it, I will not take the blame for its unwillingness to accept the master's simple requests that it behave in a graceful fashion. As long as the damn stuff will conform to a reasonably sturdy and functional shape, it can sulk and look as 'rustic' as it likes. ;)
Ill have you know old chap that I only used the finest instant coffee, and offset that via employing pure dihydrogen monoxide for the brew.

If you decide to try this method (Are ye man enough M-8?) use caution!

Inhaling even small amounts of this liquid can cause respiratory issues up to and including death, and consuming too much orally can also lead to death.

I live to live on the edge of the edge.