OK, one big problem about buying something one needs is one must first know the name of the item, especially if it is an uncommon item, and it is and I don't. My mill has a little pair of metal bars that prevents the lid from opening too far and damaging various things, including the lid itself. They fell off the mill, and now they have come up missing. Of course, I could simply fabricate a new thingamabobby out of steel plate to take the place of the lost pair. A pneumatic thingamabobby that damped the motion would be much nicer. This shouldn't be too hard to fabricate, either, and then I wouldn't really are about the thingamabobby's real name. 'Thingamabobby' would be just fine. These shouldn't be very expensive, though, so I would prefer to buy one. I looked up "pneumatic lid stop thingamabobby" online, and for some reason my search didn't find anything. Should I have looked under "pneumatic lid stop whatsits" instead? What are these things called, and where can I get one cheap?