I need a good magnifying lamp...


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Oct 18, 2018
so figured this is where to start!

My work is small and fine, vintage fountain pen repair/restoration, and for years I've used an 10x optivisor, decent LED lighting, and a variety of loupes for really fine stuff. However, the eyes are getting older and need broader depth of field in bright light on a steady basis. So I'm looking for a good quality extension lamp with daylight (5000-5600k) LED illumination and 6X magnification; the magnification can be round, oval, or rectangular.
I'd like it to have at least 2 ft of extension and have a sturdy post mount into a clamp base. Also, this is for seated work and work at my bench. They're close enough that the light would swivel either way.. It's not for use with the lathe.
Any ideas?

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It would be worth a visit to an ophthalmologist to check your eyes.

I had the experience of having problems reading small numbers on things for work. Turns out the problem was I got older and needed vision correction.

Could also be cataracts that develop as you get older.

Worth a check.
Jim, thanks, knowing what not to get is equally valuable. Thin and Ed -- I need to see my work, not every fiber and molecule in it! But thanks...
And, thanks Cadillac, I know my vision exactly, including what I can't see as easily anymore. The issue is that my work is often fine, so a wider field of 5-6x is what I need, not the 10X and short field of a loupe or optivisor. I need to work under a magnifier, to see my fingers and tools at work under a bright focused field. Actually, most people who do this kind of work do so under magnification regardless of their vision. I've managed for a long time without it.
So I'm hunting for a good quality magnifying lamp...

I use a 3 dioptre magnification round magnifier with led Illumination, its okay.
but even then sometimes I need to use a set of 3 magnification reading glasses instead of my normal 2 magnification glasses with it to see good enough.
I have an 8 diopter lens, i can put in it as well, but it is too micro for the work i do, it just about turns the view into a microscope view.
Thanks! Wow 6500k that is bright. Not too bright for you?
6500K is the color of the light, not the brightness. No info in sycle1's link about the brightness, except that it has a high/low switch.
Finding 6x in a mag lamp will be tough, you probably have to stack lenses to get there.
I bought some from Aven https://www.aventools.com/products/microscopy-and-inspection that were decent.
A digital camera may be worth a look as well, pricey though.
A Mantis from Vision Engineering will be bigger on the bench, it's a heads up format. I personally didn't like them for extended use. Keep an eye out for a used unit, they can be found...