How to "debraze"


Nov 13, 2013
Hello Forum

I understand that heat is going to be there someone out there in forum world who can advise me on how to separate / debraze previously brazed 0.0625" steel from 0.0625 steel without destroying the properties of the metal or causing warpage? The parts vary in size, measuring approximately 1" x 4"
Thank you
I’m not aware of any process like desoldering for braze where you wick it away like solder. Depending on how it’s brazed I would get it just hot enough to pull the pieces apart. Once apart it’s fairly easy to heat the braze and get it to flow off the part. Somewhere in the dim past I’ve done that. That’s obvious I guess but unless the parts are somehow destroyed you always re temper them back to original hardness. It’s all about just getting to braze temp and not going to the melting point of the metal which can be tricky with sheet metal. I have a small jewelers style O-A torch that is perfect for delicate stuff.
Yesterday I filled in some missing teeth on a band saw blade using silver solder. In the process, I had to grind on the
blade to maintain the proper thickness. When grinding off brass or silver solder there will not be any sparks until you
get to the base metal. Grinding works if one is able to get the grinder where it is needed.
Brazing is different from low temperature soldering, in that the braze actually enters into the grain of the base metal a little.
Certainly true with cast iron, less so with steel.
Depending on what you want to do with it afterward, you might or not have to grind it back a bit.
Milling, turning or grinding, basically removing some of the base metal, is the only approach I know that is going to completely remove the brazing.
Milling, turning or grinding, basically removing some of the base metal, is the only approach I know that is going to completely remove the brazing.
Rabler........I'm not so much concerned about removal of the brazing. My focus is that of separating parts. Thanks for the response.
I’ve separated carbide from its holder. Just get the metal hot enough to get the braze to liquify. It was easy 1seam. Sheet stock will be harder depending on size but I’d say doable once to temp.