Got The Axe


Chief Tinkerer
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Mar 21, 2013
Sorta knew it was coming, but I was told not to worry. :rolleyes:

My company (and many others in the storage industry), have had a recent spat of RIFs (Reduction In Force, a.k.a. Layoff, Pink Slip Party, etc., etc...), and mine is the latest. So I'm scrambling to make adjustments. Will try to get the house sold and move back to the Phoenix, AZ area where the kids are. Not even sure I'll have a place for the machines, but will give it my best.

Really needed one or two more years, but oh well, such is life. It (life) just kinda walks up and kicks you in the throat when you least expect it.
I always looked at a layoff as a new opportunity. Now you have to time to concentrate on actually making some money for you rather than making money for someone else.;) You have enough experience to start consulting or something along those lines in addition to doing machine work. Automated machine design/build or something else fun?

Best of luck to you! :encourage:
I truly hope you get a silk parachute out of this situation. That, at least, will help ease the monetary trauma of this forced transition. Stay strong and may you very soon be rewarded w/new and better employment and security. Sammy
The last few of years in my career was fought with RIFs, layoffs, etc. Each layoff lead to a less Primo working situation. I finally got fed up with the situation. I put together my own business. Guess what, not only was I the last potential person to get fired, but my income increased significantly. Since I wasn't spending 6 hours a day in safety meetings, budget meetings, sensitivity training, etc., I was actually working and making money. I am now comfortably retired. My advice is figure out what you are good at and what you would like to do; and do it. It won't be safe and it will be very scary. If you try hard enough and persevere you will probably be the happiest you have ever been in your life.

This is one of those events that will test you and show what you're made of.

Here's hoping you can keep the machines!
For me losing the ability to fix/make/tinker would be as big a blow as losing employment.
In fact, I would need it as therapy even more.

Maybe you can find a member here in Phoenix with a spare corner of a shop, even temporarily as you figure things out.

Good luck, we are all pulling for you!
Things have a way of working out. Every time I thought the world was ending , another door opens and I wound up better than before. Like I always said.... "God gives me what I need .. Nothing more .. Nothing less... Just what I need". I always had faith. So...Have faith this will lead to a better life.