Got a tad too hot


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Aug 22, 2012
Was out yesterday building a shade cloth structure over our veggie beds.
Not difficult or heavy work.
BUT, being an old fart I obviously didnt drink enough working in bright sunshine and 94'F 78% humidity.
Suddenly felt very nauseous light headed and ultra thirsty, almost passed out.
Had to hit the air conditioning for a serious sleep.
Just a reminder to all the other old farts here, we often dont realise when we need more water till its too late and we get dehydrated.
Drink fresh water often during the day irrespective of what you are doing.
Been there, done that, I read that as you age you loose your sense of "thirst".
Just a reminder to all the other old farts here, we often dont realise when we need more water till its too late and we get dehydrated.
I have chemo in the morning . Last session I was so dehydrated they couldn't draw blood . I'm trying to get as much water in my system tonight as possible , although it's tough for me . If it were beer sweat . Funny how I can't drink 12 ozs of water yet 120 ozs of Labbats goes down easily . :rolleyes: I figure one more water bottle tonight and I'm DONE !
I have chemo in the morning . Last session I was so dehydrated they couldn't draw blood . I'm trying to get as much water in my system tonight as possible , although it's tough for me . If it were beer sweat . Funny how I can't drink 12 ozs of water yet 120 ozs of Labbats goes down easily . :rolleyes: I figure one more water bottle tonight and I'm DONE !
Try Guiness, it helps with dehydration... and muscle cramps... better than Labbats in my humble opinion.... ok not so humble :grin:
Oh damn, gotta go remove one of the spring steels from the vat..
12oz of water and 120 oz of Labbats is really 132oz of water so you're good.
LMAO ! :grin: That's exactly what I told the nurse ...................................she didn't have our sense of humor . :rolleyes: Kinda like sex in a canoe ..................................................F'n near water ! ;)
Was a great thread about this subject a few weeks back actually!

I'm 20 years off 60, but I've noticed I can get dehydrated without noticing far easier than I used to. I now take a flask of water whenever I'm out, it's a good reminder to drink.
Was out yesterday building a shade cloth structure over our veggie beds.
Not difficult or heavy work.
BUT, being an old fart I obviously didnt drink enough working in bright sunshine and 94'F 78% humidity.
Suddenly felt very nauseous light headed and ultra thirsty, almost passed out.
Had to hit the air conditioning for a serious sleep.
Just a reminder to all the other old farts here, we often dont realise when we need more water till its too late and we get dehydrated.
Drink fresh water often during the day irrespective of what you are doing.
Yes - age-related thirst reaction causing dehydration can be a factor, but what you describe looks like heat exhaustion, exacerbated by not enough fluid. "Ultra thirsty" confirms the fluid need.

The temperature regulating mechanism for blood to the brain relies on evaporation cooling from perspiration. I think what got you was the very much reduced evaporation possible into 78% humidity air. You could not prevent your core temperature from going up a little, coupled with possible dehydration. Your Aussie countrymen who regularly risk their health doing stuff like gold prospecting in the outback know that provided you keep drinking lots of water, and get some shade, you can feel relatively comfortable in dry low humidity, even if it gets above 40C. You sweat like you are in a sauna, but you are able to cool off. In high humidity, the sauna feel may be there, but it is useless.

One tip I learned from coping with feeling yuk from overheating was that if you dunk both arms into cold water in a basin, you can lose the nausea in a few minutes. You can, of course, go for the slow cold shower, remembering that you are after a type of cooling that does not depend of the "drying off chill" afterward, because in high humidity, that does not happen.