G 0704 auction buy

bill stupak

I bought a Grizzley G0704 mill at a local auction last Sat. https://www.auctionzip.com/cgi-bin/photopanel.cgi?listingid=3286663&category=0&zip=19518&kwd=
It's the 7th picture. It came with a usable 6" vise, a 1/8'-1/2" Albrecht chuck. chip pan, stand, movable base, and a box full of spares. 2 draw bars, 6 plastic gears. 3 extra bolts for the rotating headstock, Z axis bellows, 2 chip guards, and 2 spindle bearings. Aside from the toasted two speed gear (already replaced) everything works fine. At $450. I'm a happy camper. Stu
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