Fusion help


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H-M Platinum Supporter
Oct 14, 2014
I'm having a difficult time learning Fusion 360. Its hard to teach an old dog a new trick.

I'm going to try to ask here when I'm just plain stuck.

This problem is happening on several similar tasks. I'm going to use pattern as the example. Open attached file from my ASCENT "Autodesk 360 Fusion 360, introduction to modeling" book. I had to change the file extension from .fd3 to .pdf so it would upload

pic 1 is how I selected pattern.
in pic 2 I'm trying to make a selection, but can not get anything to happen.

FWIW, my book just shows click on the feature and it selects - no big deal.

I can include more information, if needed

PAT 1.jpg

pat 2.jpg

pat 3.jpg


  • sketch_pattern.pdf
    27.1 KB · Views: 1
I'm wondering how old the book is, as Fusion is constantly changing. I couldn't get it to work as a sketch, but if I press/pull it into a 3d form, the hole is easily repeated. Maybe you can't do it in sketch? That doesn't seem likely, but I'm still learning it too.

Correction, we both used the wrong set of commands. the Create set is for 3d bodies. Click in the Sketch list of commands and use that instead. Easy Peasy. It actually says this in Step 2, but I didn't notice it either. LOL
Correction, we both used the wrong set of commands. the Create set is for 3d bodies. Click in the Sketch list of commands and use that instead.

I am trying to learn Fusion as well........and finding it worse than all other tools I've ever used.........combined!
Nothing about it is intuitive.

I read the original question, and knew I had nothing to add, but "watched" the thread to try and learn.
I hope you don't mind me jumping in; I don't want to intrude on your conversation, but I do want to learn.

I believe(hope) that there are just a few basic rules that I don't understand.

@MikwWi, could you please elaborate......

What the heck is a "sketch list of commands"? How do you access that?
How does it differ from the commands the OP tried? When would use use one vs. the other?
How could anyone know that the "Create-> Pattern -> Circular Pattern" is not allowed in this context?

I'm wondering how old the book is, as Fusion is constantly changing. I couldn't get it to work as a sketch, but if I press/pull it into a 3d form, the hole is easily repeated. Maybe you can't do it in sketch? That doesn't seem likely, but I'm still learning it too.

Correction, we both used the wrong set of commands. the Create set is for 3d bodies. Click in the Sketch list of commands and use that instead. Easy Peasy. It actually says this in Step 2, but I didn't notice it either. LOL


I been stuck here three days. OK, I got this to work. I'll go back to copy and paste and see if i can do that now.

FWIW, the book and training software is for 2.0.3173 only a few digits from latest release.

Brino - this got me too. click sketch and you get a drop down. click create and you get a drop down. Both have Pattern, but they are different commands. I find this very confusing also.
Yes, Fusion is deep and wide! Start with some basic tutorials from Lars here. This should help you to learn the basics first.
How could anyone know that the "Create-> Pattern -> Circular Pattern" is not allowed in this context?
I guess mainly from experience, but if you compare them it will make sense. All the commands in the Create tab are for 3d bodies, while everything under Sketch tab would logically be used if you're still in Sketch mode. The Create tab commands can't be used until you Stop the sketch. where upon you are in the 3d modeling space.
+1 to what Alan H stated above. Lars has some great tutorials.
Fusion 'flow' seems to require that you reboot your thinking to use it.
This Gray Beard was hesitant to sit through YouTube videos since I've also preferred books through the years.
But I'm starting to find it easier and easier to use that resource now.
OK, got stuck again. This time with the offset command. capture one shows how I went to create a sketch and select the plane. In capture 2, I can not get it to select an edge like it shows in the tutorial (capture 3)

I did find a LONG work around by editing the sketch in the browser panel and doing the offsets from there.

Reason for asking is I am constantly having the same issue - a window pops up asking me to select and it will not select anything.

note offset.fx3 has had the extension changed to .pdf so it will uploadcapture 1.jpgcapture 2.jpgCapture 3.JPG


  • Offset.pdf
    65 KB · Views: 4
I think they have a bug at the moment. Same thing happened to me and drove me bananas for a couple of hours.

Go to Display Settings (the monitor icon on the bottom of the screen); choose Visual Style; change Visual Style to Shaded with Visible Edges Only. Then give Offset a try again. Simply toggling through this once cleared it up for me. I suspect their most recent release created this bug and they need to clear it out.
It is hard to tell what is being selected from screen shots, but here is what I think is going on;

You made a sketch, then extruded it (pulled it) to make it 3D. It then became a body. The sketch is still there, but hidden by the body.
Offset only works on a sketch (not on a body or a component). With the body in the way you cannot select the sketch.
One way to select the sketch from here is to turn off the body's visibility (click the bodies light bulb). Then the sketch shows again (you might have to expand the sketch tab and turn on sketch light bulbs). Then you can select the sketch lines that you want to offset.

I just tried this scenario with the current version of Fusion to make sure I am not telling fibs.

And, sorry if you already know all of this and are having a problem I am not understanding. (also - if you still have a problem you can include someone as a team member or share a public link so I or someone you choose can work on the same file together with you - let me know if this would help)