Fusion 360 book report


H-M Supporter - Sustaining Member
H-M Platinum Supporter
Oct 14, 2014
I bought this book on Amazon:

It has taken me a month of spare time to work through the book. You actually get an on-line link of the entire book with over 100 videos. Each chapter also has practice projects for checking what you have read and watched. I found having a paper book, online book, and online videos the best of all worlds. I have a pretty fair grasp of this difficult subject after working through everything.

As a first test, I modeled a 1919 machine gun lock frame. the book was a great reference for the steps I forgot.

In short I highly recommend this as a way to learn Fusion.

Here's my first model assemblyCapture of Fusion.JPG
Karl, what made you choose this one? Did you consider other ones?
Karl, what made you choose this one? Did you consider other ones?
I went for the highest consumer rated book I could find. There's only like three to choose from. I just did a quick google search and found the same three. I do see the price is down to $43 for this one from Abe books.
Thanks for the tip on Abe. I will take a look.

The ratings at Amazon were not complimentary overall but if you sort thru them, you can discount several as being written by folks whose expectations are unfounded. As an example, complaining about on-line videos. As you know, Fusion is cloud based so using an online video shouldn't be a hurdle!
Xactly, don't listen to the opinion of a moron
I appreciate reviews but you do have to sort thru them.

One legitimate complaint was that it did not have an index and I saw another review that they had added one (2nd Edition?). I too would be frustrated to pay 55 bucks for a book without one.

How hard was it to get permission to use the videos? One reviewer was complaining that it was limited to one year and that it was taking an unusual amount of time to get the permission established.
book has a good index, but I really just go by the chapter subject. For example, I had trouble importing the drawings and orienting them right. So, I just spent 15 minutes re reading that subject. Caught the issue i forgot.

I signed up on line one night. Had permissions in the morning. It does have a one year limit
I ordered the book and it arrived, but it's not clear how to access the online training?