Five Cylinder Radial With Ohc

OK the drawings are done and the cylinders will be machined Later.
Meanwhile I have started on the valve cages again. I have decided to do one at a time very carefully
rather than try to do them all in a batch. also I will only do one on each head at a time to allow time for the loctite to cure before attempting the other. this way all the heads will have time to cure before the next machining operation.
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Only seven more to go.
Life is about to get easier for you Brian. Longer in time but easier in machining. Good choise of operations.

"Billy G"
At last I have something to report, the valve cages are in and the seats cut, Inlet and exhaust ports drilled to match. So the next job is the valves , Then cam boxes and cam shafts ETC.
I have bored out one of the cylinders to the new size 26mm and all looks good so the other four will follow as and when I find the time.
The photograph shows parts made to date, The items in front of the complete head are the felt oiling pad to lubricate the cams and it's cover.
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Slowly slowly Brian.
Just to keep you up to speed, I made a start on the camshafts today.
Parted off the stock to the correct length and centre drilled the ends
so I can turn them between centres.
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Today I turned down the blanks, using my favorite roughing tool then trimmed up the edges . and started setting up the mill to form the cams.
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I may try to video this we will see how it goes.
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