First Ever Actual Part Made

Thanks to everyone for the kind comments. Yes Bruce that is a G0602 lathe.
Well done! There is great satisfaction when a project looks good and works well.
Your on your way. Never be afraid to try something. Just be as safe as you can be to your self and the machines you use and your going to have a lot of enjoyment for many projects to come. You did a quality looking 1st. project.
I can agree the first project does feel good to complete and yours turned out well! Only one thing about this is now you need to start the second project! :encourage:
if that was your first project, then you'll do very well at anything you set your mind to!
nice work!!
My first several parts went to the scrap bin!!
Nicely done.

Yup same here, sometimes I just make large pieces of metal into smaller pieces. :rolleyes:
There's a whole lot to learn , but always remember SAFTEY FIRST , SAFTEY glasses , no loose clothing necklace or rings. Be very vigilant , if you have kids keep them at a safe distance. Shiny chips are kids cut finger favorites. Your on your way to many happy hours making and building projects.
Nice job on the t nut , Ck out YouTube lots of Kool mods for your lathe and more.