
I’m looking at Pferd. They make the chainsaw files for Stihl and I think they work great. Sets available on Amazon but haven’t pulled the trigger yet.
Pferd definitely!
Short answer: there are tons of quality files in the marketplace. Search, for sure, find good brands, then hit eBay, and look for the best deals. Most of the best files are made in places other than China. Although, I'm sure there are some good china made files also.
My local used tool place sells online and has a web presence here:

They have an assortment of "New Old Stock" (NOS) files from Grobet, Nicholson (USA), Vallorbe (Swiss), and others:[unavailable_products]=last&q=files

I definitely have over a dozen files from them, and never regretted any purchase.
Also those "Skroo-Zon" file handles are now my favourite handles, they screw on very tight but can still be removed.
Just be sure to get the proper size for your files, numbers 1-6 are marked on the handle end.

Full disclosure:
I consider the store owners my friends and both my sons have worked there in the past.
I have no monetary investment in them, but I do want them to thrive.

I have a few buckets of USA Nicholsons here and just brought home another bucket loads worth . I was just going to do a test on some of them ! :grin: