Emerald Ash Borer home treatment


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H-M Platinum Supporter
Oct 14, 2014
EAB has finally showed up at my place BIG TIME.

I am doing soil drench and tree injection myself. for soil drench the second or so paragraph in this link describes it
Doing this with imadacloprid every spring. cheap and easy to do. Buy it as generic merit 75wp

Tree injection is a bit more involved. I use these injectors

And bought this insecticide

Here's a good discussion on chemical treatment options

MN is late to the party for losing all the ash trees. Anyone else with experience here?
We just had our trees done by a professional service. We've done the injection treatment for going on 10 years. We have it done every 2 to 3 years. Around here it costs about $250.00 a tree depending on the size of the trees. I was considering doing it myself, but in this area, you have to have a license to do the better injected liquid. I would have spent just as much on a training course, license, equipment, and product as it cost to have it done. Then I would still have to do it. This is one case where I deferred to the professionals.

Keep in mind vaccinating the trees is a bit of a double-edged sword. According to the arborist 15% to 20% of a tree's foliage is eaten by some type of insects. The Emerald Ash Borer treatments kill other leaf eating insects as well. The trees then carry more foliage than normal. The added weight often causes branches to break off. Over the years we've lost a dozen or so branches up to 20' long and 6" in diameter.
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I lost roughly 30 ash trees, too many to try and save.
There are over 100 ash trees on my place, 25 or more around the house. BIG old trees. I'll be in full sun if losing all of them. My wallet is WAY too small to go with the pros.

Am I really the only one DIY?

You’re in a different league than we are. We started with 5 ash trees and are now down to 4 with one being lost to a storm.

We would have to have at least a dozen trees to even come close to a break even point as far as cost is concerned.

All our trees were planted in the late 80’s when we built the house in a former corn field. At the time we planted over 60 trees. Since then nearly 30 have either been removed or replaced
Here in Central Michigan they have killed virtually every ash tree.
I agree the bugs likely win in the end.

I need to fight a delaying action as i plan to sell in five years. Place worth far more wooded.

I had hoped to find somebody with a good experience. maybe not out there.