Electric Vehicles on the horizon? Do your homework

Power sources could include solar, wind, water, heat exchange (fireplace), exercise machines tied to generate power* etc. Of course some more practical than others.
We have millions of tons of recyclables-plastics without a market now. This would make good fuel for electrical generation -IMHO.
Better than dumping it in the ocean.

I just read this morning in Automotive News, The 1 trillion $ infrastructure bill includes 7.5 billion $ to install electric chargers nationwide.
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The problem with burning plastics is all the nasty chemicals they add to make them useful.
Never have been sure how that could be any worse than burning coal, but. . .
Yeah, GM has been having some serious troubles with their base-bolt. My understanding is they bought the battery/drivetrain technology from LG as a stop-gap so they could have an EV and compete with Nissan while they developed their own EVs (like the Bolt EUV!).

At least now they think they've figured out the battery problem enough to recall it, but I get the feeling they would prefer to ignore the Bolt EV and just move past it!