Duker's Pm-935

Duke, sorry I missed this thread. Congrats on your mill.

I am anxiously awaiting more pictures of it all set up and making chips.


Thanks Mike. I just finished building the mobile base and will be loading the mill onto the base tonight. Next will be mounting the pneumatic power draw bar courtesy of you. Hopefully I can post some pics later this week. If all goes well some chips this next weekend.
Hey Duker sweet rig. I am very envious of you guys with the bigger machines. I have a little baby PM-25MV which I am learning to use. This is a great place to find lots of ingenious solutions to getting things done. I probably spend way too much time reading all of these threads.
Looks GREAT!

My stand is a variation of yours... I have removable outriggers with the wheels... otherwise it is a rectangle like yours.

I need to get busy and design/make a power draw bar... however most of this will have to wait until the fall.

AC season is in full swing... I am too busy making $$$... to spend much time in the shop. Usually by Labor Day weekend... it slows down and I can get back to personal stuff.
Hey Duker sweet rig. I am very envious of you guys with the bigger machines. I have a little baby PM-25MV which I am learning to use. This is a great place to find lots of ingenious solutions to getting things done. I probably spend way too much time reading all of these threads.

I am right there with you on spending time reading the posts. I have picked some great ideas and am already planning for my lathe purchase.
Looks GREAT!

My stand is a variation of yours... I have removable outriggers with the wheels... otherwise it is a rectangle like yours.

I need to get busy and design/make a power draw bar... however most of this will have to wait until the fall .

I have only used the draw bar a few times most of it in testing, but I can't see how I could live without one now that I have it. I would look at Mike's new design he made as does a good job of describing the build in his video.
Duke, it looks great and so does the shop. Very nice job on the base.

Thanks for the kind words and I am glad to hear you are happy with the power drawbar. I love not having to wrench on the drawbar, tool changes are so slick.

Keep the pics coming.

Sweet! I was just using mine a few minutes ago and I can honestly say I'm in no way sorry I bought it.

What do you mean with regards to applying way oil? Aside from the head, I just use the one-shot system. It migrates to the base eventually on mine, too.

Ryan, this is where I am going to show my true ignorance but it appeared that a common practice was to apply a heavier weight oil (than the Vactra 2 in the one shot system ) to the vertical and the horizontal ways. I may have totally misunderstood but I have been applying a light coat with a brush as it didn't appear my oiler was getting oil to the surfaces. Again, that could be because I was not moving the table back and forth much yet or up and down with the limited use I have had with the mill so far. That was my reason for asking.

The other question I had is I see all of you guys with the DRO and I was curious where you got the collet rack that is hanging off of your DRO. Was that something you customized or does Matt sell those.?