Delta Milwaukee 12" Disk Grinder


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Nov 28, 2016
I've decided to start a project thread on this grinder. This is a Delta 12" disk grinder that belonged to the shop where I work. Someone knocked it over and broke both table trunnions several years ago... the company tossed it in the scrap bin.

A co-worker found it and rescued it... he replaced the trunnions with e-bay parts, but never wired it up.

A while back, he sent it home with me...


I put a temporary (sketchy) power cord on it just to see if it still worked... and it does, very well, actually... but it has just been sitting since then.

A few weeks ago, I bought a stand for it from ebay...


...then the other day, I made a base frame with casters for the stand and mounted the grinder to the stand...


The ebay trunnions didn't exactly work right... they were pinned to the casting with roll pins, which were too tight in the holes. The trunnions wouldn't move when loosened... without using a prybar.


I ordered some dowel pins to replace the roll pins... now the trunnions work like they should.


I've ordered some electrical parts... I'm needing to get this wired and running so I can be using it.

I hate those stupid roll pins. I did the same thing, but replaced the pin with a bolt with a smooth shank above the threads.
I use the heck out of my China special 12" disc sander. I don't touch wood (carppy irregular material IMHO), so that's mostly steel use. I think its the fact that you can set it true to square and it has a cross-feed slot are what make it so great. Plus, it has the power for heavy grinds.