Cross slide rotary table

I must have bumped my dang head. Sorry about that. No one else has answered him so I'll add a thought that popped into my head when Marco mentioned added axis.... Maybe place the table on a angle so it can move at a 45 or what ever you like. Although I guess the roto would allow that by it's self.
Here's my latest acquisition that I really couldn't pass up at $175 plus a tank of gas.
Advance Products Corp. A-11 cross slide rotary table. Heavy USA made iron.

View attachment 79993View attachment 79994

I've already been asked by the little woman what I need it for and I said I don't but I might someday.:secrethandshake:

you are a prepper !:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
Very nice!

Why do you need a rotary table on a X Y slide? Whats wrong with the mill table? I must be missing something.

Think about the example water pump cover I posted. With a cross slide rotary table you can clamp it to the table 1 time, then move the cross slides until the center of the arc is centered on the rotary axis, then position the milling machine and rotary axis's to put the cutter at the start of the arc, plunge the cutter to depth and cut the arc with the rotary axis the required degrees. Reposition the cross slides to the next arc center and repeat.

I hope that makes sense since I just woke up and the brain is still fuzzy.
Maybe a graphical example is better…


Put the center in A and mill the blue arc.
Then slide the table until the center is in B, and mill the green arc.
Then slide the table until the center is in C, and mill the red arc.
All this without to unclamp the part you are milling, as it would be required by a plain rotary table.
Of course this would be superseded by a CNC machine… but with a cost far higher than that of your cross slide rotary table!

When you move the mill table the center of rotation stays the same on your part.The cross slide table moves the part away from center of rotation. Basically A cross slide RT alowes you to reposition the part on the RT with out unclamping.
DING DING DING. I see it now. I had to go look at the pics again and see the top is on the cross slide and not the bottom. Yea thats pretty awesome there.