Cleaning Spindle and Chuck Threads?


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Mar 10, 2012
Just started on my Heavy 10 reconditioning. I used a string to clean my spindle's threads but got to thinking of how to clean my chuck's threads. I see in HTRAL they suggest using a "spring thread cleaner" for internal threads. OK, but I searched and didn't find such an animal. What do you guys use to clean your spindle and chuck threads?
I used a wire clothes hanger, straightened it, wound it around a pipe a couple of times, and turned the ends 90 degrees (to mimic how the tool looks in the lathe manual) - sharped the ends with a grinder to a point.
All of the one's I've seen were fashioned from a piece of wire. Just take a piece of 1/8" welding rod or whatever, sharpen the ends to a 60º point, bend each end 90º about 1/2" in and then bend the wire into a "U" shape (preferably around a piece of round stock since neatness counts) with the points to the outside. For extra credit, you can make the whole thing longer and add an extra turn around the bar for more springiness (is that a word?).

Idea from the trash heap - If you happen to have an old flint striker for your oxy/acet setup that is past it's usefulness, here's a chance to "re-purpose" it. Simply cut off the striker/flint ends and bend the remaining .25" or so of the "wires" away from each other at 90 degrees. Then sharpen the nubs to 60 degree points. Viola!! You now have a spring-loaded scraper to clean out inner threads (at least for those holes large enough).

Hope that helps,

I just use a siphon sprayer with proper solvent. Once it is protected with thin film forming anti-rusting compound. I disassemble, clean, prepare the chuck.
